(Last Revised 02/07/2013)
1. Notify the Town of Wilton and pay inspection fees prior to starting work.
2. All landscaping/plantings shall be maintained (replanted if necessary) on a yearly basis.
3. A Planning Board Member, the Building Inspector, the Director of Planning, and the Town Engineer may view the site, and additional plantings installed as they deem necessary, prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.).
4. Total Traffic Mitigation Fee is due upon final approval, prior to signing of any mylar.
5. Site Plan Approval does not constitute signage approval. A separate sign permit application is required.
6. Certification by a P.E. that the site was constructed in substantial conformance with the approved site plan is required prior to the issuance of the C.O.
7. Submission of As-Builts, if required, is due prior to issuance of the C.O.
8. Temporary or permanent outdoor storage is prohibited, unless specifically approved as part of the final site plan.
9. The P.E. or R.L.A.’s stamp and signature on these plans hereby certifies that these plans conform to the requirements of the Town of Wilton’s Stormwater Law.
10. The paved access road to the property line is for the purpose of shared, cross-access to the adjoining parcel(s) and as approved by the Wilton Planning Board and which cross-access rights may be directly enforced by the adjoining parcels themselves. It shall remain open and accessible at all times. Any closure or restriction of access of any kind shall be deemed a violation of site plan approval. In the case of dashed lines showing a future paved cross-access road, this road shall be paved to the property line within 90 days of written notice from the Town of Wilton.
Prinatble Version