Town of Wilton New York

Comprehensive Plan

The Town of Wilton is a community that truly has it all - from a wide mix of housing, small hamlets and commercial retail options to public recreation and active farmland. Wilton provides a high quality of life for its residents while maintaining its fiscal responsibility. Since the adoption of the 2004 Comprehensive Plan, the Town has continued to grow in a managed and deliberate manner. This is due in large part to the Town’s continued commitment to maintaining its quality of life through implementation of plans and initiatives such as the Wilton Open Space, Recreation and Pathways Plan and the Exit 16 Ballard Road Corridor Study as well as partnerships with residents, businesses, developers and civic organizations. The Town and its residents are also committed to making the community a desirable place to live and do business. This is exemplified through a strong sense of volunteerism supporting community organizations and activities. Volunteer members often serve multiple terms and there is over 60 years of combined experience from the chairs on the Planning and Zoning Boards. This continuity and consistency is evidenced by the managed growth of the Town.

Comprehensive planning provides a community with the opportunity to guide land use/development to meet the current and future needs, goals, and objectives of its residents with respect to the public health, safety and general welfare.

A comprehensive plan or master plan as defined by Town Law (§272-a.2(a)), is the

"…materials, written and/or graphic, including but not limited to maps, charts, studies, resolutions, reports and other descriptive materials that identify goals, objectives, principles, guidelines, policies, standards, devices and instruments for the immediate and long-range protection, enhancement, growth and development of the town located outside the limits of any incorporated village or city."

2015 Comprehensive Plan

The 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update maintains the sound direction set forth in the previous Comprehensive Plan and addresses potential new or emerging issues in a proactive, balanced manner. This Plan Update will help identify the needs of the community and present an action program to effectively address these needs in a manner that benefits the Town and its residents over the long term. The 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update was adopted by the Wilton Town Board on November 5, 2015.

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