Town of Wilton New York

Historic Preservation Board

Recognizing the Town of Wilton's rich history and acknowledging that the preservation, protection, enhancement and continued use of historic structures and sites serves the best interests of all the people a Historic Preservation Board was established for the purpose of furthering the goals, preservation, protection, perpetuation and use of landmarks and historic areas, certain buildings, historic districts or landmarks for designation that have been identified.

These buildings, districts and landmarks are so designated on the Schedule of Designated Historic Districts, Buildings and Landmarks available in the Town offices.

Historic Preservation is intended to:

  1. Preserve, protect and promote the use of historic landmarks which reflect the Town's cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history.
  2. Safeguard the property rights of owners.
  3. Stabilize and improve property values.
  4. Foster civic pride.
  5. Strengthen the economy.
  6. Protect and enhance the appeal of the Town for residents, tourists, and visitors and for educational purposes.
Historic Preservation Board Members

The Historic Preservation Board consists of five members. All members shall be appointed by the Town Board, have an interest in historic preservation and shall serve for terms of five years, provided that one original member will serve an initial term of one, two, three, four or five years. All members must be residents of the Town of Wilton. One position will be held by the Wilton Town Historian and another by a member of the Wilton Heritage Society. The Town Supervisor shall appoint a chairman.

Historic Preservation in the Town Code
You may search the Full Town Code online.
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