The Engineer is responsible for reviewing commercial and residential subdivision projects for the Planning Board, as well as inspecting the construction of these projects in the field. The Director of Planning & Engineering oversees the Planning, Engineering and Building Departments. While the Building Department inspects the construction of the actual houses/buildings, the Director of Planning & Engineering inspects the commercial sites and the pavement/drainage portion of subdivision Town roads. The Engineer manages and coordinates special public works and technical related projects as directed by the Town Board. The Engineer also provides technical advice to the various master plan/rezoning committees created by the Town Board and attends the Town Board and Planning Board Meetings each month at the Town Hall.
Information, Notes and Checklists for Site Plans
Information, Notes and Checklists for Subdivisions
Click to view information on Stormwater Management.
The Town of Wilton Traffic Planning Study was initially prepared in 1992 to address the traffic concerns created by the rapid pace of development in the Town at that time. The study was most recently updated in 2015. Information on additional studies of roads and intersection can also be found in this section.
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