Town of Wilton New York

Planning Department

The Planning Department has a number of responsibilities within their role in serving the Town.

Oversee long term planning and related initiatives, Assist with the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, and Open Space, Recreation and Pathways Plan, Coordinate the review process for all pending subdivision, site plan and Planned Development District applications, Assist applicants and consultants through these processes; Advise the Planning Board, the Town Board, and the Zoning Board of Appeals on planning and development matters, Serve as staff to the Planning Board and Town Board in researching, advising, and coordinating development review processes, Serve residents with information concerning current applications for subdivision, site plan, and Planned Development District, and information related to land use, and Provide overall project administration collecting Planning Board fees, collecting and tracking engineering fees, preparing and distributing required State Environmental Quality Review Act information.

Please contact us for any information related to any planning questions or comments. We have an open door policy to serve the public.

Contact Information/Hours

Phone: (518) 587-1939 Ext: 201  Fax: (518) 587-2837
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

Town Planning Board
The duties of the Town Planning Board are to review site plans, special use permits and housing developments for compliance with environmental regulations, conformance with the Town's comprehensive plan and to safeguard the future growth of our community through a balance between commercial, industrial and residential uses.
Application Form and Instructions for Planning Board Review

Planning Board Application Forms and Instructions

Temporary Merchant Application

Information on the application for a Temporary Merchant Certificate.

Fee Schedule Summary

Please see complete fee schedule for more details. This report is intended to be used for quick reference only. Outside consultant fees are not included in all cases. If an outside consultant is deemed to be necessary, an additional fee would be due. If the size or number of lots/units or square footage increases or decreases, or if fee rates are changed, the fees due may change.

Annual Development Reports

The Town of Wilton produces this annual planning and building development report to provide information to the public about the residential and commercial development within the Town and to show how that development is part of the overall growth in Saratoga County. 

Planning Projects

A collection of applications and maps that highlight commercial and residential development projects within the Town.  Included in the collection is an interactive Planning Board Agenda along with an interactive Listing of Current & Recent Projects.

Comprehensive Plan

The Town of Wilton is a community that truly has it all - from a wide mix of housing, small hamlets and commercial retail options to public recreation and active farmland. Wilton provides a high quality of life for its residents while maintaining its fiscal responsibility. Since the adoption of the 2004 Comprehensive Plan, the Town has continued to grow in a managed and deliberate manner. This is due in large part to the Town’s continued commitment to maintaining its quality of life through implementation of plans and initiatives such as the Wilton Open Space, Recreation and Pathways Plan and the Exit 16 Ballard Road Corridor Study as well as partnerships with residents, businesses, developers and civic organizations. The Town and its residents are also committed to making the community a desirable place to live and do business. This is exemplified through a strong sense of volunteerism supporting community organizations and activities. Volunteer members often serve multiple terms and there is over 60 years of combined experience from the chairs on the Planning and Zoning Boards. This continuity and consistency is evidenced by the managed growth of the Town.

Open Space, Recreation and Pathways Plan
Open Space, Recreation and Pathways Plan

The Town of Wilton’s combination of natural resources, rural and suburban character and recreational opportunities are integral elements to the quality of life of the Town’s residents. It is the goal of the Open Space, Recreation and Pathways Plan to set forth a compelling strategy for preserving these elements for the enjoyment of future generations

Exit 16 Linkage Study

The Wilton Exit 16 Linkage Study was proposed by the Town of Wilton to CDTC to evaluate the study area around Northway Exit 16 and develop recommendations that can be implemented to ensure a true center of the community is created, capitalizing on the existing Hamlet zoning within this area, with a strong sense of identity and adequately provides for the multi-modal needs of residents, businesses and property owners. (6.49 MB PDF)

Blueprint for Economic and Job Growth

The areas around the Exit 15 and Exit 16 interchanges of Interstate 87 (I-87) have been integral to the local economy as host sites for businesses that provide employment and generate sales and income. The intent of this report is to identify future growth potential within each of these areas and forecast the impact in terms of additional employment in the Town of Wilton, NY. (6.33 MB PDF)

Department Staff
Department Staff and Contact Information
© 2025 Town of Wilton • 22 Traver Road Wilton, New York 12831 • (518) 587-1939
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