Town of Wilton New York


Department Phone Fax
Assessor's Office (518) 587-1939 Ext: 604 (518) 587-2837
Building Department (518) 587-1939 Ext: 603 (518) 587-2837
Clerk's Office (518) 587-1939 Ext: 605 (518) 587-2837
Comptroller's Office (518) 587-1939 Ext: 217 (518) 587-2837
Engineering Department (518) 587-1939 Ext: 215 (518) 587-2837
Gavin Park (518)-584-9455 (518)-587-9913
Highway Department (518) 587-1939 Ext: 602 (518) 691-0013
Parks (518) 587-1939 Ext: 600 (518) 587-2837
Personnel Department (518) 587-1939 Ext: 239 (518) 587-2837
Planning Department (518) 587-1939 Ext: 201 (518) 587-2837
Senior Services (518) 587-1939 Ext: 249 (518) 587-2837
Supervisor (518) 587-1939 Ext: 218 (518) 587-2837
Tax Receiver (518) 587-1939 Ext: 210 (518) 587-2837
Town Court (518) 587-1980 (518) 583-6443
Town Facilities and Grounds (518) 587-1939 Ext: 220 (518) 587-2837
Town Historian (518) 587-1939 Ext: 227 (518) 587-2837
Water and Sewer (518) 581-8626 (518) 584-3843
Zoning Department (518) 587-1939 Ext: 603 (518) 587-2837
© 2024 Town of Wilton • 22 Traver Road Wilton, New York 12831 • (518) 587-1939
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