Town of Wilton New York

Comptroller's Office

The Comptroller's office is responsible for all fiscal matters and financial compliances for the Town of Wilton.

The fiscal matters cover the following:

Accounting and Budgeting Records
Maintain the Town's accounting records on all fiscal transactions. This includes purchasing, cash receipts, cash disbursements, payroll expenditures. The office is also responsible for Fixed Asset Inventory.

Financial Statements and Reports
Responsible for preparation of financial statements and reports to Town officials, State Comptroller and outside sources requesting financial data. Also, this office is responsible for working with external auditors.

Town Budget
Responsible for processing of the annual Town budget. This includes working with all Town Department Heads along with the Town Supervisor and the Town Board to create a budget for presentation and final approval.

Information Technology
This office is also responsible for the day to day network operations, planning and designing of the Town’s website, and all necessary upgrades that are needed to keep the Town on the leading edge of today’s technology. We have made Town Hall available 24/7 to our town residents via the Town’s website. We introduced WiFi at the Town Hall, Gavin Park and Senior Center to make the town more user friendly to the residents.

Town Budget

The Town of Wilton’s fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31. The budget is the official spending plan for all town departments, and it identifies the sources of funding to support the operating plan.

Town Annual Audit

The annual report consists of a series of financial statements.

Town Contracts

Information on annual Town contracts can be found each year in the January Town Board Meeting Minutes

Annual Update Document

The Annual Update Document for the Town of Wilton for the fiscal year is filed with the New York State Office of the Comptroller, in accordance with GML 35(1).

Fiscal Stress Monitoring System

State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli created an early warning system for communities and school districts with fiscal problems. Alerting everyone to potential problems gives local officials and taxpayers the opportunity to be more proactive.

Requests for Bids and Proposals
Requests for Bids and Proposals can be found in the Legal Notices section of our website.
Department Staff
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