Town of Wilton New York

2015 Comprehensive Plan

The 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update maintains the sound direction set forth in the previous Comprehensive Plan and addresses potential new or emerging issues in a proactive, balanced manner. This Plan Update will help identify the needs of the community and present an action program to effectively address these needs in a manner that benefits the Town and its residents over the long term.

Adopted by the Wilton Town Board on November 5, 2015.

You may view the 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update using the links below.

Please note the files are in pdf format and are quite large.

Comprehensive Plan Update (4.51MB)

2015 Comprehensive Plan Update, Adopted by the Town Board 11/05/2015

Comprehensive Plan Update Appendices (1.54MB)
2015 Comprehensive Plan Update Appendices
Statement of Findings

Town of Wilton Comprehensive Plan Update and Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS)

Pursuant to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act – SEQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617, the Town of Wilton, as lead agency, makes the following findings. (10/26/2015)

Previous Drafts

View previous drafts and the change document.

Comprehensive Plan Committee

Town Supervisor Arthur Johnson appointed a committee with the task of updating the Town of Wilton Comprehensive Plan.  Click on this link for Committee Updates, Meeting Schedules, Minutes and Agendas.

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