Town of Wilton New York

Application for Planning Board Review


*** Application deadline is NOON, fifteen (15) days PRIOR to the meeting date. ***

Planning Board meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at the Wilton Town Hall, 22 Traver Road.

The following elements are necessary to be a complete submission:

Applicants with an incomplete submission of materials will NOT be placed on the agenda.

  • Fifteen (15) Individual Project Submission Packets containing the following items:

              -A completed Application Form…..(one copy per packet, fifteen total)

              -A completed Environmental Assessment Form (Short or Long EAF depending on project                        type)…..(one copy per packet, fifteen total)

              -An 11" x 17" copy of the site/subdivision plans…..(one copy per packet, fifteen total)
              -ANY Additional  material that is to be reviewed by the Board…..(one copy per packet,                         fifteen total)

  • Four (4) full-sized copies of the site/subdivision plans

           -Three (3) copies submitted to Town Hall, 22 Traver Road, with the application packets. 

           -One (1) copy submitted to the Town Highway Department, 20 Traver Road.

  • PDF file(s) of ALL submission materials (send files to:
  • Initial application and engineering review fees (due when submission is deemed complete)
    NOTE: The Planning Secretary will advise the applicant of the correct fee amounts

It is the applicant’s responsibility to see that submissions are complete and filed on time.  All applications shall be submitted directly to the office of the Planning Secretary or they will not be considered as official submissions.

Submission within fifteen (15) days does not guarantee placement on the next Planning Board agenda.  The placement on the agenda will be based on the workload before the Board and that of all other departments involved in the process at that time.  This determination will be made in an effort to give each project a full and thorough review and is not intended to hold up reviews in any way.  The agendas are prepared by noon on the Friday before the meeting week. All agenda items are subject to the approval of the Planning Board Chairman.

If you have any questions, please call the planning office at 587-1939 ext. 201 or email  We look forward to working with you to make the review process as efficient as possible.


NOTE: Schedule and location subject to change. Consult with the Planning Secretary to confirm the meeting schedule and location.

© 2025 Town of Wilton • 22 Traver Road Wilton, New York 12831 • (518) 587-1939
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