It shall be unlawful for any owner of any dog in the Town to permit or allow the following:
- Running at large: No dog shall run at large within the territorial limits of the Town of Wilton. A dog shall be deemed at large if elsewhere than on the premises of the owner, not accompanied by the owner or his agent having said dog under control at all times. All dogs must be restrained by adequate collar and leash or fenced by visible or invisible fence at the premises of the owner of such dog. A dog or dogs hunting in the company of a hunter or hunters does not constitute running at large.
- Nuisance or barking dogs: No dog shall engage in prolonged habitual and loud howling, barking, crying, whining or conduct as to unreasonably and habitually disturb the comfort or repose of any person(s) other than the owner of such dog.
- Property damage: No dog shall cause damage or destruction to property or commit a nuisance upon the premises of a person other than the owner or person harboring such dog. Specifically (but without limitation) no dog shall uproot, dig, or otherwise damage any vegetables, lawns, flowers, garden beds, or the property without the consent or approval of the owner of said premises.
- Bodily harm: No dog shall chase, jump upon or at or otherwise harass any person in such manner as to reasonably cause intimidation or fear or to put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm.
- Habitually chase: No dog shall chase, jump run alongside of or bark at motor vehicles, motorcycles or bicycles while on a public street, highway, or place, or upon private property without the consent or approval of the owner of such property.
- Prohibition of dogs in Town parks: No dogs shall be allowed within the confines of Gavin Park. This section shall not apply to seeing eye dogs when the dogs are performing the functions for which they are trained, nor to dogs aiding or assisting disabled persons, nor to dogs actively engaged in police work or search and rescue activities. Leashed dogs are allowed at Camp Saratoga and Ruggles Road Park (Neilmann Parcel). A revocable permit is required, issued by the Town of Wilton, for use at Camp Saratoga and the Neilmann parcel. No dogs are permitted at Camp Saratoga during scheduled or community events.
- Defecating on property owned or maintained by Town: No dog(s) shall be allowed to defecate on property owned or maintained by the Town of Wilton, and any such person who owns or is in charge of any dog which defecates upon property owned or maintained by the Town of Wilton shall immediately remove said waste to a sealed, leak-proof container and dispose of said waste within the confines of the dog owner's premises or other suitable disposal site. Property owned or maintained by the Town of Wilton shall include, but not be limited to, Town roadways, shoulders and right-of-way of said roadways, parks and public buildings.
- Defecating on private property within the Town: No dog(s) shall be allowed to defecate on private property in the Town of Wilton unless said owner of the property gives permission for the deposit of said waste on said property. Any owner or person who is in charge of any dog which defecates upon private property without the permission of the property owner shall remove said waste immediately to a sealed leak-proof container and dispose of said waste within the confines of the dog owner's premises or other suitable disposal site.