Dog Control
Dog Control Officer: Wayne Luce (518) 223-2387
Dog Control Law
The Town Board of the Town of Wilton finds that the running-at-large and other uncontrolled behavior of licensed and unlicensed dogs has caused physical harm to persons and damage to property and have created nuisances within the Town. The purpose of this law is to protect the health, safety and well-being of persons and property by imposing restrictions on the keeping and running-at-large of dogs within the Town.
Dog Control Officer
A Dog Control Officer designated by the Town Board, as provided in § 114 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, may enforce the provisions of the town code and may also investigate and report to the Town Justice any dangerous dog, as described in § 121 of the Agriculture and Markets law, and see that the order or orders of the Town Justice in such case are carried out.
Dog License Information
According to Town of Wilton Chapter 53-6, all dogs 4 months of age or older must be licensed. To obtain a license for your dog, see the Wilton Town Clerk at the Town Hall on Traver Road. Proof of rabies immunization is required to be presented at the time of licensing or the renewal of an existing license.. A spay or neuter certificate will reduce the fee. A silver tag with an identification number will be issued at the time of licensing. This tag as well as the rabies tag must be worn on your dog's collar at all times. It is also recommended that a personal ID tag with a phone number also be worn for easy identification should your animal be lost.
Town Code
The full dog control law for the Town of Wilton can be found in Chapter 53 of the Wilton Town Code.
Saratoga County Animal Shelter
Please click on the above link for rabies information and more provided by the Saratoga County Animal Shelter (518) 885-4113
Cruelty to Animals
To report suspected animal abuse, please call the SPCA of Upstate at (518) 798-3500 or any law enforcement agency.
Wildlife Issues
DEC Region 5 includes three-quarters of the Adirondack Park; over two million acres of Forest Preserve land; 488,700 acres of conservation easement lands, 60,400 acres of state forests lands, 6,600 acres of wildlife management lands, more than 3,400 lakes and ponds ranging in size from high altitude ponds of an acre or less to water bodies the size of Lake Champlain; 856 miles of Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers; over 530,000 year-round residents in 6 cities, 36 villages and 117 towns and millions of people that enjoy visiting and recreating in the Adirondack Mountains and surrounding areas.
Nuisance Wildlife Removal
The Town of Wilton does not remove wildlife and does not recommend any person, service or business. The hiring of any person, service or business is at the homeowner's expense.