Notice of Completion of Tentative Assessment Roll
(Pursuant to Section 506 of the Real Property Tax Law)
Hearing of Complaints
Notice is hereby given that the assessor of the Town of Wilton, County of Saratoga has completed the tentative assessment roll for the current year and that a copy (due to the COVID-19) will be available online at the, where it may be seen and can be examined by any interested person until the fourth Tuesday in May.
The Assessor will be in attendance with the tentative assessment roll by appointment via telephone calls only (due to COVID-19) on Wednesday May 13th, Thursday 14th and Friday 15th between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Thursday May 14th between the hours of 6pm and 8pm and Saturday May 16th between the hours of 9am and 1pm. You can reach the office by calling 518-587-1939 Ext 602 and leaving a message. A publication entitled “What to do if you disagree with your assessment”, and a complaint form are available from your Assessor or on the town website at
The Board of Assessment Review will meet via ZOOM on Tuesday May 26th between the hours of 4pm and 8pm to hear and examine all complaints in relation to assessments on the application of any person believing himself to be aggrieved. Please visit our website at for more information.
Dated: This 1st day of May 2020
Tina Weber