Town of Wilton New York

Legal Notices

The Town’s current Legal Notices, Press Releases and Requests for Bids and Proposals can be found in this section

Public Notice - Smith Bridge Road

Town Board of the Town of Wilton, at a regular meeting on December 5, 2024, attended by a majority of Town Board members unanimously voted to a adopt Resolution to expend funds from the Traffic Mitigation Reserve Account for Capital Improvements known as the “Smith Bridge Road Widening Evaluation”.

Public Notice - Carr Road & Jones Road Roundabout Project Traffice Design Phase

Town Board of the Town of Wilton, at a regular meeting on November 7, 2024, attended by a majority of Town Board members voted to a adopt Resolution to expend funds from the Traffic Mitigation Reserve Account for Capital Improvements known as the “Carr Road and Jones Road Roundabout
Project Traffic Design Phase.

Notice to Bidders - Fire Alarm Control Panel Bid Request HWY 3-24

The Town of Wilton, County of Saratoga, State of New York, is requesting bids to replace the Fire Alarm Control Panel in the Highway Department.

Public Notice - Standard Work Day Reporting - Chad Jerome
Notice to Bidders - A DAS-2635-1L-FYD-FM Direct Application System.

The Town of Wilton, County of Saratoga, State of New York, is requesting bids for a DAS-2635-1L-FYD-FM Direct Application System.

Public Notice - Resolution to expend Funds - “Route 50 Traffic Safety and Pedestrian Connectivity Project”

Town Board of the Town of Wilton, New York, County of Saratoga, at a regular meeting on June 6, 2024, attended by a majority of Town Board members unanimously voted to a adopt Resolution to expend funds from the Traffic Mitigation Fund for Capital Improvements known as the “Route 50 Traffic Safety and Pedestrian Connectivity Project”.

Notice To Bidders- Combination Body & Material Spreader

The Town of Wilton is requesting bids for a new Tenco Model TCB-10-T-NL-C-NL-LF 10’ 12M combination dump body and material spreader.

Public Hearing - Wilson's Bread

Special Use Permit

Public Notice - Speed Limit Request - Parkhurst Rd
Public Notice - 2024 Adopted Budget

Town’s Adopted Budget (pdf)

2024 Town Board Meeting Schedule
Public Notice - 2023-09-06 - Solar Energy Local Law - DRAFT-FINAL REVIEW to TB
Public Notice - Code Committee Schedule

The Wilton Code Revision Committee will meet on the second Thursday of every month. All meetings, unless otherwise noted, will be held at 5:00 p.m. at the Wilton Town Hall, 22 Traver Road, Gansevoort, New York.

Public Hearing - Proposed Increase to the Term of Office of Town Supervisor

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Wilton, New York, County of Saratoga, will hold a public hearing for a proposed increase to the Term of Office of Town Supervisor from two years to four years, in the Town of Wilton.

Public Notice - Adoption of Resolution #144

Town Board of the Town of Wilton, New York, County of Saratoga, at a regular meeting on May 4, 2023, attended by a majority of Town Board members unanimously voted to adopt Resolution #144 to expend funds from the Reserve Fund for Capital Improvements known as the “Highway Equipment Reserve Funds”

Public Notice - Adoption of Resolution #143

Town Board of the Town of Wilton, New York, County of Saratoga, at a regular meeting on May 4, 2023, attended by a majority of Town Board members unanimously voted to adopt Resolution #143 to expend funds from the Reserve Fund for Capital Improvements known as the “Park Reserve Fund”.

2023 Planning Board Meeting Schedule

Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of the month. All meetings, unless otherwise noted, will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the Wilton Town Hall, 22 Traver Road, Wilton, New York.


2023 Wilton Town Board Meeting Schedule

The Wilton Town Board will meet on the first Thursday of every month. All meetings, unless otherwise noted, will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Wilton Town Hall, 22 Traver Road, Wilton, NY.

2023 Wilton Fire District Proposed Budget
Notice of Completion of Tentative Assessment Roll

Notice is hereby given that the assessor of the Town of Wilton, County of Saratoga has completed the tentative assessment roll for the current year and that a copy (due to the COVID-19) will be available online at the, where it may be seen and can be examined by any interested person until the fourth Tuesday in May.

© 2025 Town of Wilton • 22 Traver Road Wilton, New York 12831 • (518) 587-1939
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