The Town Board has appointed individuals from the Town Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board, as well as Town staff members, to the Town Code Revision Committee. Assisting the committee and Town as a professional resource throughout the revision process will be Town Attorney, Mark Schachner of Mannix, Schachner & Hafner LLC.
John McEachron, Committee Chairman
Deputy Supervisor/Town Board
Richard Spackmann
Scott Dussault
Connor Krueger
Duane Bogardus
Linda Bottiglieri
Michael Brice
Dave Gabay
Planning Board
Tom Murphy
Planning Board
Chris Ramsdill
Zoning Board of Appeals
Mark Schachner, Esq.
Town Legal Counsel
Miller, Mannix, Schachner & Hafner, LLC.
Lisa Classon, Committee Secretary
Zoning Clerk
Town of Wilton
(w) 587-1939 ext. 224
Ryan K. Riper, P.E.
Director of Planning and Engineering
Town of Wilton
Wilton, NY 12831
(W) 587-1939 ext. 215
Mark Mykins
Building Code Enforcement Officer
Town of Wilton
(W) 587-1939 ext. 212