Town of Wilton New York

Comprehensive Plan Committee

In 2015 Town Supervisor Arthur Johnson appointed a committee with the task of updating the Town of Wilton Comprehensive Plan.

Update 11/05/15

The Final Comprehensive Land Use Plan was adopted by the Town Board.

Update 9/22/15

The draft Comprehensive Land Use Plan dated 9/22/15 reflects the public comments made during the comment period which ended 9/15/15. A reference to the Town Historic Preservation Board was added. All the public comments received during the comment period are listed in the revised plan appendices dated 9/24/15.

Update 8/6/15

The Town Board accepted the draft Comprehensive Land Use Plan document, opened the Public Comment Period and set a Public Hearing for September 3, 2015 at 7:00 pm. The public has the opportunity to review the plan and to submit comments through 9/15/15.

Update 7/1/15

The Final Draft Comprehensive Plan Update is on the website for public review. 

Update 4/10/15

The Draft Comprehensive Plan Update is on the website for public review, on May 12, there will be a public hearing at 7:00 PM so the public may voice their comments.

Update 3/2/15

Since appointment, the Committee kicked off the process in late September (2014) and has held 10 working meetings, all open to the public. The process involved discussing the entire plan, chapter by chapter, and making draft revisions including updating the Plan’s vision, goals, and recommendations. Currently the Committee is working on compiling, completing and formatting the first draft, which they will then review as a complete draft document.

After making any necessary revisions, the draft will be available for public review and comment. The public will also be asked to share photos to potentially be used in Comp Plan. “Where in Wilton” photos can be submitted to the committee. Those submitting photos are asked to include, at a minimum, their name and where the photo was taken so proper credit can be given if the photo is used in the final Plan.

The Committee will also hold a public hearing to gather public input, which is anticipated to occur in late April. Revisions will be made based on the public comments and at the direction of the Committee.

The final draft will be completed and recommended by the Committee to the Town Board. The Town Board will hold public hearing, conduct SEQRA reviews and submit the draft plan for County Planning Board review. Revisions will be made if necessary and the final Plan will hopefully be adopted by Town Board.

Final 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update
You may View the FINAL CLUP using this link.
Meeting Agendas

Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes

Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting Minutes

Committee Members

The Town of Wilton Comprehensive Plan Committee consists of 2 members each from the Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. Additionally the the committee includes the Director of Planning and Engineering, Building Code Enforcement Officer, Town Attorney and a Consultant from M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C

Contact Information

For more information please contact:
Amy DiLeone, Secretary
Town of Wilton Wilton, NY 12831
(518) 587-1939 ext. 201

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