Town of Wilton New York

Duties of the Tax Receiver

The Town of Wilton is a Town of the first class. Collecting Officers in Towns of the first class are known as Receivers of Taxes. This is an appointed position. Before entering upon the duties of the office, it is required that all tax collecting officers take and subscribe the Constitutional Oath of Office. In addition, an official undertaking or bond, which guarantees the faithful performance of the office, must be executed and filed in the Town Clerk's Office. Once the Receiver of Taxes has taken the oath and executed the bond, she becomes the insurer and guarantor of all monies, securities, books, papers and records that the law provides shall be in her custody.

The Receiver of Taxes collects the General Property Taxes from January 2nd through January 31st without penalty. A 1% penalty is added to bills paid on February 1st through the 28th. Late notices are sent out on March 1st. A 2% penalty plus a $2.00 late fee is added to all payments made between March 1st and 31st.

The property tax bill contains levies for the County and special districts, (there is NO Town Tax in Wilton at this time). In addition, if school taxes in Northumberland, South Glens Falls or Corinth are unpaid, they will be relevied onto this bill. If a previous owner was receiving an exemption and it is on the current bill, next year it will show up on new owner's bill as an omitted tax covering the time period in which the new property owner enjoyed an exemption to which he was not entitled. Please contact this office if there are any questions regarding amounts due.

Payments may be made in person in the Tax Department located in the Town Hall at 22 Traver Rd. Payments may be made in cash or by check or money order. Payments may also be made by mail. Checks should be made payable to Sue Baldwin-Tax Receiver and mailed to 22 Traver RD Gansevoort N.Y. 12831. PLEASE do not send cash through the mail.

Many residents have their taxes escrowed with lending institutions. The Tax Office together with the Assessor's Office updates bank codes prior to each billing cycle. It is the lending institution's responsibility to notify this office of any additions or deletions of accounts. Many banks contract with TSOs (Tax Service Organizations), which are agencies that service escrow accounts for the banks. These organizations provide us with a listing of their customers and their identifying account numbers. The larger organizations also may do this by computer disc. In the event that a resident received a bill that should have gone to the bank, it is still the responsibility of the bank to call for that bill. If the bill should have gone to the homeowner, but went to the bank, it is the homeowner's responsibility to know that his taxes are due. Please, call the office immediately for a duplicate bill. Tax amounts are available online at:

The failure to receive a statement will not affect the validity of the taxes or interest prescribed by law.(New York State Real Property Tax Law 922).


© 2025 Town of Wilton • 22 Traver Road Wilton, New York 12831 • (518) 587-1939
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