Town of Wilton New York

Snow Removal

The Town’s Highway Department is out there working to keep our roads clear so you and your family can travel to your chosen destination safely and without major delay.

It is our policy in the town to have streets clean of snow as soon as possible. The Town, in performing this service to its residents, attempts to handle matters professionally, competently and quickly. It is no small task since we have 100 center-line miles (meaning 200 true miles) of roadways in the town to be maintained.

To provide you with the best service, the Highway Department would like to remind you that it needs your full cooperation. Safety is very important during snowplowing to our snowplow operators.

Please remember to keep garbage cans placed in your driveway – place it even with your mailbox so they are back from the road and not in the road.  

Always keep all basketball hoops out of the Town’s Right-of-Way (which is 30’ from the center of the road) no matter what the weather. 

Additionally, please make sure your vehicle is in your driveway, and not in the street, during a storm. Unfortunately, when a parked vehicle blocks a street so our snowplows cannot pass, we have no other option than to call for a police car to assist us in having the vehicle moved or towed. 

Town of Wilton Local Law No. 5 prohibits parking on town roads during the winter months.  If your car is towed, the owner of the vehicle will be responsible for towing charges. The Highway Superintendent and the operators of the snowplows need your help by keeping your vehicles off the streets from November 15th through April 1st.

In addition, at times a mailbox will need to be replaced during the plowing season. Please be advised the Highway Department will not be responsible for repair or replacement of PLASTIC mailboxes and posts.  The cold makes these mailboxes very brittle and they cannot withstand the snow force.   The Highway Dept. will only repair or replace mailboxes that have a ROUND or 4X4 WOOD post, and a standard mailbox.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (518) 587-1939 ext. 235.

© 2025 Town of Wilton • 22 Traver Road Wilton, New York 12831 • (518) 587-1939
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