The Town of Wilton has developed this program to comply with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer Systems.
The Town of Wilton is currently revising the Stormwater Management Program to comply with the 2024 NYS MS4 Permit (GP-0-24-001) (
Permit Coverage was authorized through a 2024 Notice of Intent (NOI)
To comply with the MS4 Permit, the Town of Wilton is required to develop a comprehensive SWMP Plan that details all procedures, practices and documentation of the SWMP and SWMP activity. This will be a five (5) year process of development and implementation. The requirements will be developed in a phased schedule within the permit. As new elements are added, this story map will be updated with those new developments. This first version of the SWMP is required at 6 months into the 5-year permit cycle. The next update will be at the 1-year mark, January 2025. Then again at the end of the 2nd, at which point the evaluation and updating of the SWMP Plan will be done annually.
MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification(MCC) Forms
Sample Stormwater Maintenance Agreement (Fill-In)
A background on stormwater and how it is managed.