Town of Wilton New York


Code requirements for finished basements
New York State code requirements for finished basements in existing buildings.
Deck Construction Guide
Deck Construction Guide
Electric Inspectors List

This is a list of the inspection agencies approved by the Town Board to work in the Town of Wilton.

Fact Sheet - Wells

This fact sheet provides guidance for individual water supply wells.

Fence Ordinance
Outdoor Burning

Chapter 49, of the Town Code to provides information for the safety, health, protection and general welfare of persons and property in the Town of Wilton by restricting the open burning of combustible materials. It is not the intent of this chapter to prohibit recreational burning if proper precautions are followed.

DEC Outdoor Burning Regulations

DEC Open Burning Regulations.

Stamped Plans Requirement Letter
As of January 1, 2007, all building permit applications shall require plans stamped by an architect or engineer.
Requirements For Swimming Pools

Current requirements for swimming pools contained in the state Fire Prevention and Building code (the “uniform code”)

Caring for Your Septic System

A septic system must be properly operated and maintained to protect your health, property value, water resources and provide many years of trouble-free service. This information flyer is designed to help you do that by answering some commonly asked questions.

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