Town of Wilton New York

Grievance and Board of Review

This page will provide you with some helpful information if you disagree with your property assessment. Please click on the links to learn more.

If you own property in New York State, you are eligible for formal review of your assessment.

There are two levels of formal review:
1) Administrative review - the "grievance" process is conducted at the municipal level.
2) Judicial review (in order to pursue judicial review you must first go through administrative

Before pursuing formal review of your assessment, you should first determine if you are assessed



Dates, time and location for inspecting the tentative assessment roll

May 1st thru May 27th 2025
Contact the Assessor's Office for information at this time.

Date, time and location for hearing formal assessment grievances

May 27th
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Town Hall

Last date for filing assessment grievance complaint 
May 27th
Up to 8:00 pm

The Board of Assessment Review (BAR)

The Board of Assessment Review (BAR) is a five member board whose members are appointed by the Town Board. The BAR acts independent of the Town Board and the Assessor's Department. The BAR is empowered to make decisions on their own regarding assessed property values. When a resident does not agree with their assessed value, they may file a grievance to appear before the BAR and have an independent determination made of their assessed value. If the resident disagrees with the BAR, they may choose to go to small claims court.

Contesting Your Assessment

An Overview of Grievance Procedures and Instructions for Completing New York State Grievance Form RP-525 (PDF)

Grievance Form (RP-524)

You can complete Form RP-524 Complaint on Real Property Assessment yourself or your representative or attorney can complete it for you. Instructions can be found in the Contesting Your Assessment link above. (PDF)

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